Reduction of up to 40% in expenditure will result in greater investment for the fisheries and aquaculture sector

By Litoral Distributor

Since taking office, the Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Helder Barbalho, has been working on two fronts: improving management and cutting spending. The spending reorientation policy implemented by the Ministry of Fisheries anticipated President Dilma's fiscal adjustment decree, which directed a reduction in public spending within the Federal Government.…

MPA launches Public Hearing Notice for Public Fishing Terminals

By Litoral Distributor

The Minister of State for Fisheries and Aquaculture, Helder Barbalho, makes public the Notice of Call for Public Hearing to discuss the publication of new legal rules regulating the creation, organization and administration of Public Fishing Terminals (TPP). The Hearing will be held at 9 am on May 18, 2015, in the Auditorium of the…

Tuna industry faces problems in the Pacific — Greenpeace

By Litoral Distributor

  The environmental organization Greenpeace has warned of the problems facing the tuna industry in Pacific countries, which cannot compete with foreign fleets fishing in their waters, the Australian press reported today. The Pacific countries blame the growth of tuna fleets, including the Chinese one, which carry out operations in…

'We need to educate parents', says expert on child safety on the internet

By Litoral Distributor

This week, AVG Brazil held an event to launch the eBook “Protect our children and young people”. The event brought together experts in the areas of law, psychology and neuroscience, as well as the participation of AVG Technologies’ security evangelist, Tony Anscombe, who is the author of the eBook “One parent to another”, a work that was used as a reference for the launch of the…

New Litoral website

By Litoral Distributor

Litoral launches its new website, now the company is made up of subdivisions which will be responsible for providing differentiated products to a wider range of customers, currently having the following lines of activity, fishing, information technology and food.